Even though most spiders are totally harmless and some of us even like to keep them as pets, there are far more people out there that want to find out how to repel spiders or not invite them into your home in the first place.
If not kept as a pet, the only purpose a spider will invade your home is in search for shelter and prey. They are not out to attack you as they can barely see you and prefer dark areas as opposed to hanging out with us humans.
Of course, we fully understand some people’s feelings towards spiders, so in this article we aim to provide you with information to prevent you coming into contact with them, as much as possible, none of which include using harsh pesticides!
Citrus Scents
Spiders have sensory organs on their legs and although they have to physically “touch” whatever they want to smell, it helps them determine whether something is appetising or repugnant.
One of the things spiders really hate is the smell of anything citrus. A study was done into this in 2020, by the McPherson College Department of Natural Science.
You can rub leftover citrus peels along windowsills and doorways and keep citrus fruits in a bowl on the work surface in your kitchen. (This also encourages healthy eating for your family although we all know your child would rather eat a chocolate bar than have an orange!)
Spiders dislike vinegar as much as citrus. To use this method, simply make a 1:1 solution with water and spray around the areas required.
To make the smell of vinegar less pungent, try soaking several orange peels in a cup of vinegar overnight beforehand.
Spiders hate the taste of mint. Fortunately, most humans don’t mind the taste or smell of mint so using this method can be a nice alterative to air-freshener.
A good idea is to combine 10-15 drops of mint essential oils with water and spray liberally around places spiders like to lurk, for example in corners, dark areas, etc.
The Colour Light Blue
As we just mentioned, spiders prefer darkened areas.
However, their prey prefer light areas, such as the ceiling, a lamp, a window ledge etc. so unfortunately spiders have to occasionally venture into the light for a meal.
Light blue is a colour that has been proven to dissuade other insects thereby spiders don’t happen to wander into this coloured area.
Garlic is another strong-smelling deterrent. Although it is not as pleasant a smell as citrus or mint, if you wish to utilise garlic, simply crush or mince 4 or 5 garlic bulbs and wrap it in a cloth.
Squeeze it hard to get garlic juice and drop the entire cloth in a spray bottle.
Spray around corners and baseboards once a week or as needed.
Cayenne Pepper
The main ingredient in cayenne peppers is capsaicin. That’s what gives that hot, tingly feeling when we eat them.
When Cayenne peppers are consumed, pain receptors are triggered.
Some humans like the taste of cayenne, but spiders do not and will tend to stay away from it.
Although spiders do not have a great sense of taste, cayenne pepper is still an irritant to them.
It can irritate their eyes and sense of smell. This will repel them from the area and keep them away.
To use cayenne pepper to repel spiders, simply sprinkle it over areas where you don’t want these critters to hang out.
Clean and Tidy Areas
This one goes without saying, but if your home is clean and tidy, you will have less spiders.
Spiders are attracted to other insects for prey items (which are in turn attracted by rotting foodstuffs) or messy areas where they can hide for extended periods of time and possibly make a home if they’re female.
Simply keeping your home tidy and free from excess mess will keep the spiders away.
Of course, your home doesn’t need to be spotless, (who’s is?) but regularly taking out the trash, cleaning dinner plates, and not allowing things to go undisturbed for long periods of time is perfectly adequate.
To stop spiders from entering your home in the first place, as much as possible, check windows and doors for cracks that spiders can crawl through and repair them as necessary.
Remove any garden pots, compost, or grass clippings from exterior walls so there is no-where for spiders to hide.
Remember, spiders are an integral part of the eco-system.
They eat other, smaller insects helping to keep the population on an even keel, chemicals harvested from spider venom help control and treat several diseases and spider silk, if human sized, is five times stronger than steel!!!!